Learn To Play

Welcome to the Comets Learn To Play program!

For the 2024-25 there are some small but exciting changes to the program. The most important change is we will have dedicated LTP coaches from Solid State Hockey to run the LTP program each week. Volunteer coaches are still need to augment the Solid State Hockey staff. The other change is we will be running the LTP sessions as 8-week sessions starting in September.

The goals of the program are the same. We will introduce your children, as young as the age of 4, to the game of ice hockey with an emphasis on safety, fun, and sportsmanship. First time skaters are welcome. Our goal is to teach a new skater how to skate and then introduce them to the game of hockey. For experienced skaters, we will focus on improving their skills, including sportsmanship.

During each session, your young players will advance through a set of stations. Once a station is mastered they will advance to the next station. At the end of each 8-week session the coaches will make a recommendation of continuing in LTP for another 8 week session in order to master the skills or your player will graduate. They will then be able to move to our Junior House or House League based on age.

Questions / Need more Information

For questions about the program please reach out to registrar@natickcomets.com


Learn To Play participants must be at least 4 years old at the session commencement date and must be able to work on his/her own in a large group setting.


Both Saturdays and Sundays at noon.

Session 1: 9/14 - 11/3

Session 2: 11/9 - 12/29

Session 3: 1/4 - 2/23

(session 2 + 3 dates may shift slightly)


All sessions are held at Chase Arena in Natick.


Each session is $250


A Learn To Play jersey is provided to each participant.

Interested in Coaching?

Volunteer coaches are still needed!

Are you interested in helping to coach the Learn to Play program? Coaching is easy and rewarding.

Please reach out to operations@natickcomets.com


Sessions will run on both Saturday and Sunday for 8 weeks. Additional sessions will be posted when the dates are confirmed. 

Session 1 : 9/14 to 11/3 12-1pm $250

Session 2: Learn to Play: 11/9-1/4/2025* 12-1pm $250

Session 3: 1/11-2/23/2025 12pm-1pm*

*dates subject to shift for holidays

IMPORTANT: Skaters are required to wear hockey gloves, elbow pads, shoulder pads, athletic cup/pelvic protector, shin pads, hockey pants, and helmet with cage or face shield, a neck guard and a mouth guard. Figure skates are not allowed. Players must also have a hockey stick. Players that do not have all required equipment will not be allowed on the ice. 

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